The Less You Worry,
the Easier it Will Be
An upcoming visit to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon is a potential anxiety producer. In this case, the patient is typically most concerned about possible pain and whether the procedure is going to hurt.
The good news is that whether your procedure requires local or intravenous anesthesia, today's technology makes it possible to perform complex surgery in the Dr. Homrighausen's office with little or no discomfort for the patient. Knowing this should start to reduce your level of anxiety.
Extensive Training and Experience in the Control of Pain and Anxiety
The ability to provide patients with safe, effective outpatient anesthesia has distinguished the specialty of oral and maxillofacial surgery since its earliest days. As a surgical specialist of the dental profession, Dr. Homrighausen is trained in all aspects of anesthesia administration. Following dental school, Dr. Homrighausen completed four years of training in a hospital-based surgical residency program alongside medical residents in general surgery, anesthesia and other specialties. During this time, Dr. Homrighausen completed a rotation on the medical anesthesiology service, during which he became competent in evaluating patients for anesthesia, delivering the anesthetic and monitoring post-anesthetic patients.

Putting Your Mind at Ease
The best way to reduce anxiety is to make certain you know what to expect during and after surgery. As with most anxiety-producing situations, the more you know, the less you have to be anxious about. Prior to surgery, Dr. Homrighausen will review with you the type of anesthetic to be used, as well as the way you're likely to feel during and after the operation.
This is the time to discuss any concerns you may have about any facet of the operation. During surgery, one or more of the following may be used to control your pain and anxiety: local anesthesia, nitrous oxide-oxygen, intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. Commonly, patients describe their feelings during surgery as comfortable and surprisingly pleasant.
Types of Anesthesia
(Novocaine, Lidocaine, etc.) A shot is given to block pain in the area to be worked on. The shot will produce a numb feeling in the area being operated on and a feeling of pressure during surgery. You will be awake and recall the surgery, but there should be no significant discomfort.
Nitrous Oxide (or Laughing Gas) You will be relaxed and somewhat less aware of your surroundings, but will recall most of the surgical event. Nitrous oxide is generally used in conjunction with local anesthesia.
A pill is taken prior to giving local anesthesia to produce relaxation before and during your operation.
Medications are given through a vein in your arm or hand, which will cause total relaxation. You will not actually be unconscious, there will be very little recall (if any) of the events surrounding surgery. Intravenous sedation makes you less aware of the procedure by making you calmer, sleepy and less able to remember the procedure.
You will be completely asleep for the procedure. Medications are given through a vein which will result in total loss of consciousness, complete lack of recall of the event and usually a longer recovery time. General anesthesia has an excellent safety record as an office procedure, but may, if desired, be provided in a hospital setting. (Your health insurance may not cover you unless there is a bona-fide medical reason for hospitalization.)